Another 6 months of Lovefilm – Part 1

21 12 2011

Another six months of Lovefilm means another six months of games and films to go over. This time I’ll start with the games. July to December is a little strange when it comes to game releases, there is almost nothing in the summer or December. Everything is crammed in to a three month window, that didn’t stop me playing almost everything big release (I left out the ones I wasn’t interested in) before the end of the year.

On paper this looked like a great 6 months, in reality it was a big let down. Having got through 17 in the first 6 months I only managed a further 12 afterwards:

LA Noire, Cars 2, Resistance 3, Phineas & Ferb, F1 2011, Fifa 2012, Batman Arkham City, Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One, Disney Universe, Uncharted 3, Assassin’s Creed Revelations and Lego Harry Potter 5-7.

Let’s start with the let downs. Batman Arkham Asylum was a breath of fresh when it released two years ago but somehow something was lost in the sequel. The game was a lot shorter, the map despite being bigger also felt smaller and more compact. Most of the game was spent in a few small areas. The lack of Batcave was also a major let down. The most enjoyable part for me was actually at the start playing as Bruce Wayne. It’s not a bad game, it just fell short of its predecessor. Assassin’s Creed Revelations is much like Brotherhood. New elements have distracted the developers from making a good story and varied maps. Ninety percent of the game is spent in one city meaning the game gets stale very quickly. The real-time strategy works but really isn’t thaty fun to play. It feels like you’re just going through the motions. A proper change of landscape and time are needed it lift this game. Hopefully Victorian London or Renascence Paris are on the cards or even New York in the prohibition days. Unfortunately the whispers are of Egypt which doesn’t sound that difference to me. Phineas & Ferb had promise, it could have been a great game for kids and fans of the show but it was too short and too easy and a little bit too old school. It felt like a PS2 game, coming from the makers of the PSP Ratchet & Clank games they should have done better. Ratchet and Clank was another let down. The last three have been good but this felt watered down. You can see what they were trying to do, 4 player co-op could have worked and might do if you’ve never played a Ratchet game before but for fans of the series this lacked too much. Graphically it didn’t appear as good, the view  didn’t feel right as they needed to keep all four characters on screen. Hopefully Ratchet will revert back to form and they can use what they’ve built here for a new IP.

F1 and Fifa were exactly what you’d expect, great games with decent enough improvements to warrant another purchase. Having Norwich in the Premier League also helps. Lego Harry Potter was the third Lego game of the year, better than Star Wars but not as good as Pirates of the Caribbean. Not being able to unlock the characters properly until you’d finished most of the main story was very annoying. It did seem to tread a little too much old ground as well. Resistance 3 promised a lot, the 3D, new main character, more character and plot driven and Move support. For the most part it was great but I wanted more from the finale. I wanted some plot around the whole war and Chimera. Instead it turned out the game was just a journey which was a shame.

I’ve saved the best til last. First up are two games from Disney. Cars 2 was a big surprise. Four player split screen racing with weapons and in 3D. Oh, and the cast of Cars 2. It’s a great little racer that anyone can enjoy. It’s more Micro Machines than Gran Turismo but with plenty of tracks, cars and modes to unlock this has transferred from film to game excellently. Next up is Disney Universe which is almost LittleBigPlanet meets Disney. Six worlds based on some of the best Disney films and a ton of character costumes (and they’ve started releasing level packs too). It’s fun and silly multiplayer carnage. It’s bother co-op and verses at the same time. Perfect family game, it’s also easy to enjoy yourself but put your fingers in your ears for the end of game song.

The best two games this year. LA Noire, like Heavy Rain this is great but flawed. It almost wants to be a point and click detective game, they basically taken that game and dumped in Grand Theft Auto. The driving can be a bit dull but at least the cases can be engaging. LA Noire shows where games can go. This isn’t quite there yet but bring in some of the Siri technology from Apple and you could have quite a game. Loads of DLC make this even better. Finally the big one, Uncharted 3. It’s brilliant, fun, funny, clever and stunning to look at. You want it to be better than Uncharted 2 but overall they’re about even and that is the only disappointment. Afterwards you remember how good Uncharted 2 was and that being as good as it still makes this game pretty special. Uncharted Golden Abyss on the PlayStation Vita can’t come soon enough.

Top 5
Uncharted 3
LA Noire
F1 2011
Fifa 12
Resistance 3

10 games that make you want a PlayStation Vita

2 12 2011

The Vita is release on 22nd February in the UK, here’s a list of the 10 games that should make you want one. These are the games that separate the Vita from it competitors (3DS, iPhone, Androids), some are exclusive, some just benefit from PS3 controller type controls that other devices don’t offer.

First up the launch games:

Uncharted: Golden Abyss – Uncharted games are the Indiana Jones that never were. Great plot, great characters, great acting and great gameplay. Uncharted 1-3 on the PS3 are some of the best games of all time. Who wouldn’t want a handheld version of that.

Modnation Racers: Road Trip – Forget Mario Kart, Modnation racers brings you all that joy with a stunning track, kart and character creator. This is the Modnation game the PSP wished it had. Playing against PS3 competitors and sharing tracks between the two consoles is the icing on the cake.

Motorstorm RC: Many claim that Gran Turismo was the best racer on the original PlayStation. I disagree, it was Micro Machines V3. Take that, merge it with all three Motorstorm games and you have Motorstorm RC. It’s a top down RC racer with the Motorstorm grunt. Even better is that you can buy one version and play it on bother the PS3 and Vita. We want more of that.

Escape Plan: This is the first of the new IP for the Vita. It has a distinct black and white style. You have two characters (Lil and Laarg) which you can switch between in order to help each other escape. It sounds simple of enough but every report on this games is suggesting this will be the game to own at launch.

Unit 13 – From the makers of SOCOM and MAG comes a new tactical third-person shooter. With their reputation this will be a cracker.

Reality Fighters – This may seem like an odd choice but it is a game that standouts from the crowd. Take pictures of yourself and friends with the on board camera. Dress the up and using the built-in cameras you characters will appear on the surface in front of you. Then you let battle commence. The game can bring in other elements as well for a crazy table top battle.

These games don’t have release dates yet but they should be early release:

Resistance Burning Skies – It’s a shooter on a portable with two analogue sticks. This is the first of many games that will benefit from being of the first handheld with two sticks. The the Resistance feel we already love with the proper controls. There may be slightly fewer enemies on screen but the scale of enemies is still there.

LittleBigPlanet – This is apparently bigger than LBP2 on the PS3. It’s the first version that uses touch controls (from and back) and has the full PS3 feature set that the PSP version missed out on. This isn’t a port either, this is an entirely new game, new levels but same Sackboy mayhem.

OddWorld: Strangers Wrath – If you don’t remember the Odd world games then look them up. This may just be an re-release of an Xbox game but Strangers Wrath should not be ignored. The original Oddworld games have already seen re-releases and have been big sellers. To see a game that hasn’t graced a PlayStation before released is brilliant.

Ruin – It’s a dungeon based game (think Diablo) but can be played on both the Vita and PS3 and share save files between the two. This game has already picked up a cult following and they’ve even announced its official name yet.

It’s worth pointing out that only OddWorld: Strangers Wrath isn’t a Sony game. We still don’t know much about the other games at release, the lineup is truly spectacular. Here are some of the other launch games:
WipEout 2048
Little Deviants
Everybody’s Golf
Hustle Kings
Top Darts
Putty Squad Vita

If that wasn’t enough for you these game are also in development though details are thin on the ground.
Call of Duty
Assassin’s Creed
Metal Gear Solid Collection
Super Monkey Ball

Don’t forget you can play digital versions of you PSP, PlayStation 1 and PlayStation Mini games on the Vita as well. That means I personally already have over 100 games for a console that hasn’t even launched yet! Bring it on.

PSP highlights in games

2 12 2011

This December the PSP will finally be replaced by the PlayStation Vita, well in Japan at least. In the UK this is the last Christmas before the Vita is released so I thought it was fitting to list the top 10 games you should hopefully have found under your tree during the last 6 years of the PSPs life. In no particular order:

Lumines – the standout launch title, its the PSP’s equivalent of Tetris (which the PSP did get eventually). Sadly this never got a PSN release.
Resistance Retribution – take a FPS from the PSP, change it to a third person shooter and drop the main character and surprisingly you get a cracking portable game.
God of War: Chains of Olympus/Ghost of Sparta – it’s God of War on the PSP, it’s just like the PS2 and PS3 games and you still have Kratos. This is when the PSP was most like a portable PS2.
Echochrome – Odd little puzzle game based on optical illusions.
LittleBigPlanet – It’s the ultimate platform game with a decent set of creation tools available. Not quite up to the PS3 version but still the best example of a game creation tool on a portable device.
Patapon 1/2/3 – Weirdly addictive Japanese rhythm game where you command you Patapon by using rhythm.
Locoroco 1/2 – Another weird Japanese game that at its heart is just a platformer but Locoroco is like no other.
Crush – It’s a simple 2D platformer and a simple 3D platformer but the need to switch between the two to progress makes this far from simple.
Motorstorm Arctic Edge – It’s Motorstorm on ice. Great selection of tracks, vehicles and carnage.
Mercury – Another launch title, mixing liquid to create different colours and guide your mercury around the levels. Perfect portable game.

There are some games I left out intentionally (F1, Fifa, Lego) mainly because they tend to be yearly releases and as a result you always want the latest version so I didn’t feel the need to include them. There is also not a great deal of difference between each version. Some games like Final Fantasy Crisis Core, Monster Hunter and Syphon Filter, I haven’t actually played so I couldn’t possibly include them. Other big names like Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, GTA, Killzone and WipEout just didn’t make the list.

Next up, the 10 games that make you want a PlayStation Vita.

10 Weeks of Songs: Part 2

4 11 2011

10 Weeks of Songs: Part 2

Another 10 weeks has passed and another 10 songs online. Here’s the run down of each one.

Week 11: I look for You


Week 12: Time


Week 13: Your name and Your glory


Week 14: So much higher


Week 15: This is the God


Week 16: Oh, how I love You


Week 17: Let Your justice reign


Week 18: Through Your eyes


Week 19: I’m sorry


Week 20: In the stillness

The chord sheets are either already up or will be going online very soon for all of these songs.

If you have any thoughts about them musically or lyrically please post a comment or send me a message, I’m always looking to improve on them.

Songs of the past – “what was I thinking?”

3 11 2011

Songs of the past – “what was I thinking?”

Perception changes over time. When you’re caught up in the moment it’s not always easy to everything clearly, it can also effect other things. With songs, I’ve noticed, our tastes seem to change. Sometimes I think we are just over exposed to a song which can mean we either start to dislike it (or get bored with it) or we start to like it (or more likely get used to it). When we look back we can often be surprised (and a little disgusted) at the songs we used to like. There is that “what was a thinking” moment.

Songs are very emotive and we connect songs with times in our lives and a certain way we felt. We get attached to songs we may not like at all because it reminds us of a good time in our past. We continue to listen to it to reminisce. When we hear a song we haven’t heard for a long time it can conjure up images and feelings from the past, I think we can sometimes mistake the enjoyment of that feeling for enjoyment of the song.

I’m starting to wonder how much this also impacts us in a church setting. I’ve certainly seen songs anointed for “a time” and others, like Amazing Grace, appear to be timeless. Are there also songs that worship leaders, worship bands and churches cling to because of feelings from the past it brings up? Is God still anointing these songs or are worshipping that moment in our past rather than him.

Festivals are often something most of us can easily link a song with. When I hear songs like “Praise You” by Martyn Layzell and “Beautiful One” by Tim Hughes they remind me of being at Soul Survivor in 2002 with a large group of friends from church. It was a really enjoyable time but some of the songs were for that time and others we continue to use now. There are songs I think I’ve used in worship, probably incorrectly, because I personally have more of a connection with them. It might not be something the church shares which isn’t good when you’re meant to be leading the church into worship. I’ve also seen churches continue to use old hymns that God really did not appear to be using in services anymore. They continued to use them because the Church has a connection with them rather than what God wants them to be singing.

There’s something Mike Pilavachi said that this reminds me of; it was something like  “the anointing isn’t in the act, it’s in the obedience”. He was talking about when God told Moses to hit the rock with his staff to produce water. He obeyed. The second time God told him to speak to the rock. This time Moses hit the rock with his staff and water flowed again. God then told Moses “because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them”. (Numbers 20)

The act Moses carried out still brought the same results but he put his faith in the act rather than in God. We need to be aware in the church of how much we rely on acts/songs/preaches/structures etc… that have worked before and make sure God is still calling us to use them.

New Song 20: In the stillness

2 11 2011

New Song 20: In the stillness
In the stillness – Demo – Coming soon

This is one of the oldest songs I’ve posted, I wrote it about 6 years ago and it was one we used quite a bit for a while at Wymondham Baptist, it was also one of the first of my songs I’d used in church.

The song is simply about waiting on God in the quiet and the stillness. God can still the waves and calm the storms and the song is asking God to still out hearts and minds to we can hear him.

Verse 1:
You calmed the storm
Brough to a whisper the waves
You’ve stilled my heart
Now I am safe

Verse 2:
In the midst of the night
When there’s fear in my heart
In my pain in my sorrow
Lord my hope, is You

I will wait in the stillness
I will wait in the quiet place
I will wait in the stillness
Just to hear Your voice again

Still my heart, O lord, my God
Still my heart, O lord, my God
Still my heart, O lord, my God

Revisited: Up or down?

1 11 2011

We’re 10 games in now and the season is starting to take shape, by the end of the next 9 matches we’ll be at the half way point and at the end of 2011. For many teams much of their fate will already have been sealed and it’s easy to see where some teams will end up already.

The top of the premier league has been the strangest it’s been for a while, Spurs beating Liverpool 4-0, Man U beating Spurs 3-0, Man U beating Arsenal 8-2, Man City beating Man U 6-2 and then Arsenal beating Chelsea 5-3. They’re all beating each other and there are teams far lower in the league yet to be on the end of the results most of the top sides have. Man City have looked unstoppable in the Premier League but weak in Europe. it’s very reminiscent of United’s early Premier League dominance. An early exit in the Champions League could really help City in their aim of lifting the Premier League as they’re yet to show they can manage multiple competitions and are still to play most of the top 6.

The current top four looks unlikely to remain in that order or as that four. Newcastle will fade. There is one reason they are up there right now and that is because they are just about the only team at present who can defend. That won’t last; even if it does others teams will also tighten up. I expect Newcastle will end the season with a large amount of draws. Chelsea look in danger of missing out on top four this year as well. Their defence has never looked so bad. Terry has looked more vulnerable with every game for the last year or two and he looks like a player not longer good enough right at the top. United also seem to be in a similar position but despite their defeat to City they still know how to win a match even when they don’t play well.

Arsenal need to wrap Van Persie in cotton wool. Any injury would not only put pay to any hope of Champions League qualification but they look like they could struggle for a top half finish. Liverpool seem to blow hot and cold and Luis Suarez is beginning to look a little light weight. He has amazing skill but seems to go over too easily. I don’t agree with the view that he drives, I think he is just too weak and that is the view referees are taking. He falls when many other’s wouldn’t (or they’d at least put up more of a fight. The team that looks most like taking fourth are Spurs. They look more clinical in front of goal and King remaining fit has aided them massively in defence.

Top 6 revised prediction
1. Man United
2. Man City
3. Spurs
4. Chelsea
5. Liverpool
6. Arsenal

At the bottom it’s hard to see Wigan not finishing bottom. After playing the three promoted teams in their first three games they haven’t picked up a point since. Bolton were another team I tipped to struggle but their poor run has even surprised me. Coyle could well be the first manager to go. Blackburn have actually been the real surprise, mainly because they don’t appear to be a bad team; a manager change may help but they are certainly working for Kean and a bit of luck could see him keep his job. Wolves look like should be safe but they just aren’t getting the points or performances. They could end up in a rut if they don’t pick up quickly.

It’s been 10 years since all three promoted teams stayed up and though it is possible this year I’m not convinced. Each has it’s own weakness. Swansea rely too heavily on home form; once the big boys come nicking they could remove any home comfort and Swansea may not survive. I think they have a better chance than QPR though. They spent quite a bit in the end, Wight-Philip and Barton being the highlights, despite that they look poor. They have had a fair bit of luck so far, especially against Chelsea who out played QPR even with only 9 men. They’ve suffered a few hammerings including losing 6-0 to Fulham. Their position looks most inflated of the promoted teams. Norwich need a clean sheet, they always look like they can score but it teams defend properly against them then they will find this league is harder than it has been.

Revised bottom 3 prediction.

20. Wigan
19. Bolton
18. QPR

Mid table could end in any order. Norwich find themselves 8th and Wolves are 17th but they could easily both end up top half or both go down. There are a few teams that look set for comfortable mid-table obscurity.

Mid-table obscurity
Aston Villa

They are still all teams capable of a Europa League place or even relegation.

New Song 19: I’m sorry

31 10 2011

New Song 19: I’m sorry
I’m sorry – Demo – Coming Soon

I had the initial inspiration for this song from listening to Hurt by Christina Aguilera. In particular the line “I’m sorry for blaming You”. It made me realise that the wasn’t a worship song I could think of that says anything like that. One big area of our worship we seem to miss is confession and even more so in our worship songs.

With that idea I also drew upon the story Jesus tells of the prodigal son in Luke 15.

11 Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons.
12 The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them.
13 “Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living.
14 After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need.
15 So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs.
16 He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.
17 “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death!
18 I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.
19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’
20 So he got up and went to his father. “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
21 “The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’
22 “But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet.
23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate.
24 For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate.

I wanted to use that attitude the father has. After all the son has done he still runs to him with compassion and arms open.

Each day, every mistake weighs
On my mind, and how weary they make me
How far I drift away
But Your arms, are always open
And Your grace is waiting for me
In my tears, I come running

‘Cause Your love,
It restores and redeems and You
You come running after me
Here I am, crying out
Saying sorry, to You God
Hear my prayer, hear my cry
I am sorry

Verse 2:
The longer, that I delay confessing
Every sin, gives Satan ammunition
To keep pulling me away
But Your love, it conquers all things
Each day, You welcome me in to Your arms
So I come running

I’m sorry, I’m sorry
I’m sorry Lord
I’m sorry, I’m sorry Lord

TV: New Series Review Part 1

19 10 2011

TV: New Series Part 1

The end of September and the beginning of October brings us the new batch of US TV shows, three of which have already been cancelled. Most of them have managed to get at least two episodes in, here’s my run down of the best and worst.

Top Drama


I’m five episodes in and am loving Ringer. The plot never stops which makes this harder to write without spoilers. Almost every character seems to be hiding something, both from the audience and each other. Sarah Michelle Geller does will to play twins, Siobhan and Bridget, where you can instantly tell which one she is playing at any point but still making sure they share enough similarities (other than looks) to still clearly be twins. Each episode is pushing the plot forward, answering some questions while also raising more. The characters are relatively likeable which makes this an easy watch. It has been doing well in the ratings as it has just been picked up for a full season.


Revenge follows a similar idea of another of my favourites (Damages). A flash forward at the start shows the death of one of the main characters before going back to show the audience how they reached that point. The main character (Emily/Amanda) has re-invented her life after discovering almost everyone in her former home town set her father up which resulted in prison time for him. With her father dead she is seeking revenge on each one of them in turn. Not by killing them but by ruining their lives, primarily but showing the world the wrongs they have committed. Well worth watching though whether there has anywhere to go in season 2 is unclear.


Nicholas Brody, Marine, is presumed dead but is discovered in a hole in Afghanistan 6 months after a CIA agent is informed a US Marine has been turned. Claire Danes who plays the lead is convinced this marine is the one and a terror event is imminent. Her driven attitude leads her to break rules but she is determined not to miss something. She believes that she missed something at 9/11 which she should have spotted. It’s a little early to see where this is heading but it is certainly engaging but just to be warned there has been nudity in every episode so far.

Terra Nova

It’s Spielberg, time/dimension travel and dinosaurs. What’s not to like? There are actually far more similarities between this and the ill-fated BBC drama Outcasts than Jurassic Park. There are clearly some mysteries around the fraction that has broken away from the main site of Terra Nova. Though you are told this is an alternate reality there are hints that it may not be true and Terra Novas main leader’s (Nathaniel Taylor) son is missing but seems to hold the answers. Strange markings on are rocks are heavily protected by Taylor suggests not all is as it seems. The overarching story is moving a little slower than I’d like and is in danger of falling into the trap Lost took after season one but this has potential if it can be realised.

Top Comedy

2 Broke Girls

This was an unexpected surprise for me, it is both funny and contains decent characters that work off each other well. Max works several jobs has very little money and manages to show dark humour but is also strangely quite light-hearted. She works in a cafe with a former socialite, Caroline Channing, who has lost everything as a result of her father being suspected of fraud. Both have lived very different lives but still share some interests and are working on setting up a bakery based of Max’s talent of baking cupcakes. Every episode to date has provided a very enjoyable 20 minutes.

New girl

This has quirky written all over it. Jess (Zooey Deschanel) is the leading lady who has some very odd tendencies which includes her singing of random songs and not really knowing where the boundaries are. Her real life sisters plays the lead in Bones and the similarities are very clear by the awkward moments each others characters get into but they are on the opposite end of the scale of awkward. New girl provides some very light entertainment and there are far worse things to watch.

Last man standing

This is basically Home Improvement but with a family with girls rather than boys. It is still enjoyable and Tim Allen is still a decent on-screen comedy Dad. The addition of a third generation in the house also adds some variety. This isn’t ground breaking but certainly solid TV.

New Song 18: Through Your eyes

18 10 2011

New Song 18: Through Your eyes
Through Your eyes – Demo

I wrote this song a few years ago, it’s one that I’ve always felt is verging on a kids some. I’m not sure why it just seems to have something about it. The main idea of the song is that in the world’s eyes most (and nearly all) of us are nothing. We’re not celebrities, we’re not millionaires or pop stars are anyone else that gets in the pupil eye but through God’s eyes we’re amazing. We’re perfectly made. In His eyes we are so much more than we could be on the earth.

This song could easily be played using different chords but I quite like playing it on Capo 7.

Verse 1:
I’m not a rock star
I’m not a world champion
I am no one, in this world

In Your eyes
I’m made perfectly
Through Your eyes
There is beauty I can’t see
I long to be; all that you ask me
For I know You love me
I know You love me

Verse 2:
I’m not pin-up
I’m not a movie star
I am no one in this world

I’m storing up; treasures in heaven
Not this worlds dumb ideas
If I was someone in this world
I’d give all to be Your friend