Disney Infinity in Paris

12 09 2015

I’ve always been a fan of games that give you the tools to create things yourself, for me it started way back on the BBC Micro with Repton. I remember my dad making a teenage Hero turtles game from it. The diamonds became Pizza slices, the walls became sewer pipes and Repton become a turtle. I’ve tried making games before with point and click creators, levels in LittleBigPlanet and now Disney Infinity.

What every good creation needs is a good idea. I’ve seen creations of Disneyland that have been made, the problem for me is I’ve never been to California and even Florida, I’ve only done twice. Paris, however, is probably in the region of 30+ visits. The rides are also a bit different in Paris, Pirates of the Carribean, Space Mpuntain and Big Thunder Mountain especially.

So I’ve set myself the challenge of rebuilding Disneyland Paris with Disney Infinitys Toy Box mode with fully working rides. Hopefully a parade too. I’ll then work on the Studios Park. Depending on the success of them in then hoping to create two further versions. One will be my ultimate Disney park, the other would be my “fixed” version of Paris.

There are a number of challenges making these. Disney Infinity is very blocky in design which means curved creations are tricky. Certain options don’t exist so creating Dumbo properly where the user can choose when he goes up and down is again a problem. Themeing is the final big one as some things just don’t exist in Disney Infinity which will make Phantom Manor and Ratatouille very tricking.

There is also my skill. Having built very little in Disney Infinity before there will be a lot of trial and error. I may also miss out the best way to do something. My plan is to work on simpler rides first and build up. I’ve got a map of Paris already split into squares to be as accurate as possible. Not knowing the limitations on size, some rides may require being loaded separately.

The plan
I’m starting with Fantasyland. The first ride being the Mad Hatters Tea Cups. This had some issues. The tea cups should spin within a group and the group should then spin in a larger group. To create this I’ve had to map one path that includes both spins. Locking the tea cup to the path means the user can’t rotate the tea cup themselves and there is no option to trigger a rotation change. Circular items are rare in Disney Infinity which means the roof isn’t as round as I’d like.

Behind the tea cups is the labyrinth. The scale I’ve used (based on the actual tea cup scale) makes exactly replicating the labyrinth difficult within the main park build. If I can’t get it close enough the the will just be the outer walls and the castle rise up from Inside. The entrance will load a separate labyrinth.

The carousel is round which has similar issues to the tea cups but overall is more straightforward.



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