England Review (vs France)

15 06 2012

There are a few simple works to describe England’s performance against France, words rarely attributed to England, disciplined, professional, solid etc… England did not create much or have much possession but contrary to what the likes of Barcelona and Spain will have you believe, that doesn’t win you matches. It can help but at the end of the day it’s about scoring goals. Barcelona are one of the least clinical sides I’ve seen for a while.

England against France were relatively clinical. England had two real chances (and the odd pop shot from distance). Milner’s weak attempt after taking the ball past the keeper and the header Lescott scored from 6 yards out. France on the other hand had one, a point plank header which Hart saved. Defensively France created almost nothing due to the excellent performance from England in defence, one slip from midfield duo of Gerrard and Parker cost them as they left their men (Ribery & Nasir) to create a goal from outside the box. If England keep this up they will be hard to beat. It’s very rare a team wins anything without a good defence. Spain averaged only one goal a game while winning the last world cup and conceded only two.

The big surprises at the back were Hart and Glen Johnson. Johnson had one of his best games a long time but Hart looked nervous in his first tournament game for England. Lescott played a lot better than I expected though Jegielka would still be my choice in along side Terry. The midfield was probably the biggest disappointment. Parker through his body in the way of everything but left Ribery along to set up the France goal and was poor in possession. The creativity needs to start with the centre of midfield and it can’t all rest on Gerrard’s shoulders. They are the link up play to the wingers and forwards but it never really happened. Milner saw more of the ball, should have at least hit the target or squared the ball when past the keeper and provided only one decent cross in the game but was England’s main outlet in the game. He has been criticised by many fans after the game but without him England would have been even less toothless and wouldn’t have had the free kick he won for the goal.

Oxlaide-Chamberlin looked out of his depth; he’s young and will get better and showed some quick feet but struggled to get into the game and find his team mates with ball. I can’t recall a single cross from him which from a winger is woeful. Young saw more of the ball out wide when he switched. There is certainly a case for switching them over but Rooney will take the position behind the striker when he returns from suspension. Welbeck and Young received almost no service, with Gerrard the main distributor of the ball it was easy for France to cut off potential passes leaving Parker free to collect the ball and then give it away.

England will need to create more if they are going to win games as they won’t keep up this clinical finishing as the tournament progresses but they will be hard to beat at the back.

With Sweden tonight it appears Carroll will start in place of Chamberlain. Not a bad call, Young should see more of the ball out wide where he can run at defenders. Carroll can hold up the ball and offers something different to Welbeck. The lack of height upfront against France restricted the options with crosses and Carroll will be an easier target to find on counter attacks. He also offers that extra height defensively against a Sweden side strong in the air.

I would still like to see a little more in the way of changes. Parker isn’t full fit and his distribution was poor and Milner isn’t really a winger, moving Milner inside for Parker and placing the pace of Walcott on the wing would aid England’s attacking options and creativity. Chamberlin could be an impact substitute later in the game. England may also want to take a look at the Italy team. Packing the midfield with five which staying strong at the back with three centre backs. It also allows you to keep more striking options on the pitch. Italy have already shown how good it can be against the Spanish.



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