I’ve started but I won’t finish (PS3)

1 09 2011

I’ve started but I won’t finish

I play at lot of games and as a result games I want to play more come along when I haven’t already finished the ones I’ve got. Some I know I will go back to at some stage but there are many that will be forever unfinished. Here’s the best of the them.

1. Metal Gear Solid 4

Metal Gear Solid is seen as a great series and I’ve enjoyed most of what I’ve played but MGS4 just has too many cut scenes which are far too long. I seemed to spend more time watching than playing. Once that stops you then end up with boss fight after boss fight. It became boring. MGS is meant to be a stealth game at its heart but that barely appears anywhere in the game.

2. Grand Theft Auto IV

For me GTA stopped being fun after number 2. It’s all got too serious and too generic. The characters are ridiculously unbelievable and the story not interesting enough. The missions are also incredibly repetitive. I seem to spend most of my time driving around, which is boring. I won’t be buying GTA V, like I didn’t buy the GTA IV add-ons, unless there are some serious changes.

3. Haze

The game isn’t as bad as the reviews say and the co-op (4 player over two consoles and two screens) is actually really good fun. The problem is that I’ve had it too long and not finished it and now have too many newer games I’ve not started. A trophy patch may have persuaded me but I can’t see that happening.

4. Bioshock

I liked Bioshock but when I got it I was a gamer that didn’t finish many games. I got half way through and moved on to the next game. Since then I have played and finished Bioshock 2 and tried to go back to Bioshock. The problem is that the controls and options available in Bioshcok 2 are better than the first one. Going back to it makes the game feel like there is something missing. It has made the game feel a little more like a slog than it should.

5. Dark Sector

Not a bad game but it was only really a game I bought as nothing else was out, it was within the first 12 months of the PS3’s release and not much was out. The game has elements that I like but having not played it in over 3 years it has fallen well down the pecking order. The lack of trophies hasn’t helped either.

6. Assassin’s Creed

Another game that lacks trophies but this suffers in other areas too. The premise is good but there is too much walking and the game is very slow and repetitive. AC II and Brotherhood are better (though Brotherhood needs more locations to visit rather than just one city). I’ve finished the other two as well. I can’t see myself going back to the first game as I’m already so far a long with ‘ and the new games are that much better.

7. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas 2

I’ll be honest, I haven’t even started the single player of Vegas 2. I bought the game to play online against my brother as he enjoyed it a lot. I don’t have much interest in the game so it’ll probably never get played again.

8. Fallout 3

Fallout 3 was a Christmas present, there weren’t that many decent games about at the time so I thought I’d play it even though it’s not my sort of game. I never did. The disc has never been used. Maybe one day I’ll try it but it looks more and more unlikely.

9. Robert Ludlum’s The Bourne Conspiracy

I liked the game when I first played it but by the time I got it other games have out done it by a long way. A trophy patch may have talked me into going back to it but I still have Dead Space 2 which I haven’t started. I’d rather play that instead.

10. PSN Games

I don’t know why but I never seem to finish PSN games. When I’m looking for what to play I always seem to go to the discs first. There are over 50 PSN games and other 50 minis on my PS3 and only a hand full (like Sam and Max) have been finished. It’s not like I don’t enjoy them I just don’t play them or I’m short of time. Having Playstation Plus means I’m gaining about 4 new games a month. That’s more PSN games than I finish in a month. The list will forever get longer and longer.



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