Songs Revisited 1: Love conquers all

24 08 2011

As you would expect songs develop over time, sometimes a very long time. I believe it took Tim Hughes 5 years to write “May the word of mouth” and there changes to “Not by words” made between appearing on the album “Reward” and then on the album “Lost in Wonder”. I’ve also spotted songs changing from live albums to when they appear on studio albums, sometimes extra verses or tags and sometimes changes in melody like with the songs “With all my heart” and “Name above all names”.

Why am I rambling about all this? Well I’ve been posting songs online and overtime these change likes the songs I’ve already mentioned have so will be revisiting some of the songs I have already posted and looking at the changes. It seems fitting the first “revisit” to a song should be the first one I posted online, “Love conquers all”.

Songs Revisited 1: Love conquers all
Love conquers all – Demo
Love conquers all – Chord Sheet

When I originally posted the song it was still relatively new compared with other songs I have since posted which are several years old. There was only one verse and a chorus. Shortly after posting the song I worked on a tag which uses the chord change to Fm from the verse which I quite liked. It’s not the standard chord change you see in every song.

Love, love has rescued me
Love has come to me
Jesus has saved me
Love, Love has won the day
Jesus’ made a way
Oh Love has come and saved

Since then it’s taken a couple of months to come up with anything for a second verse but eventually I had a little inspiration. I have still really struggled with the final line of the verse. Currently the last line or two of the second verse doesn’t match the first verse and the Am from the final line of verse 1 has been cut from verse 2.

There see the grace God
Reaching out to all of those in need
From the lost to the refugee
His heart is calling out
As we live as His hands and His feet
And all will see

Here are the full updated lyrics, there is already an update MP3 online and a chord sheet will be up soon too.

Verse 1:
There stands the empty cross.
And image crying out to the whole world
So loud it echoes all around.
There sits the empty grave.
An image of salvation speaks,
A thousand words of mercy and of hope, of hope.

Love conquers all, Love wins the day
He stands victorious, and in His glory reigns.
Love’s conquered death, Loves won the war.
Love has saved our souls and Love has saved us all.
No we can’t hold it back, we can’t stay quiet anymore
No we can’t hold it back, we can’t stay quiet anymore.

Verse 2:
There see the grace God
Reaching out to all of those in need
From the lost to the refugee
His heart is calling out
As we live as His hands and His feet
And all will see

Love, love has rescued me
Love has come to me
Jesus has saved me
Love, Love has won the day
Jesus’ made a way
Oh Love has come and saved



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